Blogpost: The night before christmas (Fashion Edition)

12/23/2012 13:06

Well, since tommorrow is Christmas eve, I made up my own version of 'The night before Christmas'. Here it is:

      The night before Christmas (Fashion Edition)

‘Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house,

Not a fashionista was stirring

Not even a mouse.

The knee-highs were hung by the chimney

With care,

In hopes of Saint Nicholas

Soon would be there.

The children were nestled

All snug in their beds,

While visions of high heels danced in their heads.

And mamma in her beanie,

And I in my baseball cap,

Had just settled our fashion-filled brains

For a long winters nap.

When out in the shop

There arose such a clatter

I sprang from the bed

To see what was the matter.

Away to the studio

I ran super quick,

I ran through the door

And pushed aside the fabric.

The lights on the breast

Off the buttons did glow

Gave a luster of mid-day

To objects below.

For what do my fashion-forward eyes

Do appear,

But a room full of elves

And one fully-dressed reindeer.

Aside from the elves,

Working so lively and quick,

Was a jolly bearded man

Who must be Saint Nick.

More rapid than eagles the sewing machines hum

He whistled, and shouted, and called the name of each one:

“Now Coco! Now, Betsey!

Now, Kors and Gucci!

On, Jacobs! On, Prada!

On, Valentino and Versaci!

From the patterns and designs on the wall,

Designing Christmas fashion for one and all!”

He was dressed in Versaci, from his head to his foot,

But his clothes were tarnished in ashes and soot.

A Vuitton bag was flung on his back

And he looked so stylish just opening his pack.

He spoke not a word,

But went straight to work.

He packed up the fashion,

Then turned with a jerk.

Laying a finger aside of his nose,

And giving a nod,

Up the chimney he rose.

He sprang to his sleigh

To his team gave a whistle

And away they all flew,

Like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim,

Ere he drove out of sight:

“Merry Christmas to all,

And to all… please dress right!”


The End!!